Clean white theme is all i wanted and nothing more. If you looking for clean interface, nice and easy layout you must try this white theme.
To install these themes, download your desired theme then uncompressed it and copy the default.dll file(found in zip) and replace the once found in
For Windows XP Users:
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\\Themes\
For Windows Vista Users:
i keep learning about more and more little advantages and quirks with Chrome, such as with security, for example... now if only they would take care of it's cookie management glitches
I tried this guide with the white theme, it look nice and it match my current pink desktop background.
I love this white clean chrome theme but it would be great if you can make me a pink theme version.
Thanks for this post, know i know how to change my chrome themes.
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